Monday, January 6, 2014

Badger Creek to Mt Donna Buang

Had a bonus ride up Donna Buang today whilst Bernie, Maddy, Rachel and Tim (Maddy's BF) visited the Healesville Sanctuary. It was an interesting afternoon.

Showers blowing over the mountains as we approached Healesville, wet roads on the way up but no rain at all and dry tarmac on the way down. Very chilly at the top as expected and cold descending but smashed all sorts of PBs in both directions,  mainly because of the cold I think !! Didn't want to stop really ..... pretty windy and bleak at the top.

It's 21kms from Badger Creek Rd to the summit with a substantial gravel section on the second part of the ascent. I rode up straight up the Don Rd climb from Healesville Sanctuary (left at 1:15pm) and only stopped at the tank for water on the way up, then the summit, then no stops coming down until I dropped the chain entering Healesville. I rolled around a 5km loop to get 50kms for the ride and was back in the Sanctuary carpark at 4:30pm. I had some food and a can of coke stashed in the car (Diet !) and loaded up the bike, pulled on a jumper and pants and snoozed for 10 minutes before the others returned. Drove home by about 6:30pm.

I only saw one other cyclist, an MTBer at the summit who would have frozen on the descent as he had no jacket and short sleeved jersey !!

So it all worked out well. A bit of a bonus ride for me and everyone happy.  :)

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